Join this extended, in-depth course to dive deep into 14 different areas for your personal development and growth of consciousness and enhance your understanding of the different technologies of consciousness that TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi left us as part of his legacy.
Join for your own growth and evolution, or if you are a coach or a helping professional with clients who would benefit from this knowledge, you can add professional Consciousness Advisor services to your offerings. The course includes everything to get you started: a website, an online booking and payment system, knowledge sheets to share with clients, additional training and support, and more.
Course Dates and Structure
Dec. 8, 2024–Oct. 8, 2025
Online Zoom sessions and self-study will be approximately four to five hours per week for 10 months.
The Consciousness Advisor Course includes admission to the Consciousness Applied Course and also Consciousness: A New Paradigm, described above, both of which are prerequisites to the Consciousness Advisor Course.