Renowned artist and author Mindy Weisel will share her unusual background as a child of Auschwitz Holocaust survivors who was born in a displaced persons camp in Bergen-Belsen, Germany. She will discuss her successful career as an artist, and how the Transcendental Meditation® technique helped her find her artistic voice and enhanced her emotional well-being. Mindy will introduce her new book, AFTER: The Obligation of Beauty, which traces her search for beauty and light in art and life. Mindy’s story is one of hope and gratitude and an inspiration for anyone who views her art or reads her books. We are honored to have her as our guest on TM Talks.
Internationally renowned artist, author, and speaker, Mindy Weisel, was elected to the Smithsonian Archives of American Artists in 2000. Her works are in the permanent collections of the National Museum of American Art, Oxford University, and the Israel Museum, among many other public and private collections. Weisel has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany, Israel, and the United States, including a 2013 retrospective of her paintings at the Kreeger Museum, Washington, D.C., and an exhibition of her glass works at the Tel Aviv Israel Museum. She holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from George Washington University and has performed post-graduate studies at American University. She is a member of the United States Art in Embassies program.
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