As a scientist of consciousness, TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought to light a transformative discovery. He learned from his teacher, the esteemed master of Vedic wisdom Brahmananda Saraswati, that the mind’s natural tendency is to be drawn toward fields of greater charm and enjoyment. With the proper mental technique, we are able to transcend, to settle down effortlessly and experience our deepest inner nature—a field of limitless creativity, intelligence, and bliss.
Maharishi named this effortless technology of consciousness the Transcendental Meditation technique, a simple yet profound practice for unfolding our full human potential.
Maharishi with some of the early TM meditators and teachers in the United States
This timeless technique to allow the mind to transcend had been long lost to society, even in India. Maharishi revived and restored this technique to its original effectiveness.
In contrast to other meditation practices, the Transcendental Meditation technique is completely effortless. It does not involve trying to control the mind or deliberately focus attention. The TM technique uses the mind’s innate tendency to seek fields of greater satisfaction, allowing anyone to easily and spontaneously access the silent reservoir of energy and intelligence deep within human consciousness.
Maharishi wished to share this profound knowledge with everyone who wished to create a better life for themselves and others. He began teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique in India in 1957, then brought the technique to the West in 1959.
To make the TM technique available to more people, Maharishi systematized the teaching of the TM program into a seven-step course. He trained TM teachers to teach this easy, effortless practice so that it would give consistent, positive results for people everywhere. Maharishi thereby preserved the TM technique in its purity and effectiveness for all generations.
Maharishi’s universal reach as a meditation teacher is unprecedented: over 6 million people worldwide learned the TM technique during his lifetime. In total, more than 10 million people of all ages, cultures, and religions have learned the TM technique. He wrote many books and circled the world numerous times, speaking with world leaders and lecturing widely.
Maharishi worked with scientists, educators, and scholars of Vedic wisdom to develop an integrated approach to knowledge, unifying diverse fields of study from both East and West. His constant focus was to bring this precious knowledge to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, so that all people would enjoy life in bliss, free from struggle and suffering. When a journalist once asked Maharishi how many followers he had, he answered, “I have no followers. Everyone follows their own progress.”
In 1963, Maharishi published his seminal book, Science of Being and Art of Living, which was translated into 15 languages. His second book, published in 1967, was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation and Commentary.
Maharishi collaborated with leading Vedic scholars and experts of ancient Indian wisdom to reestablish the completeness and practical applications of the various branches of Vedic knowledge, such as Yoga, Ayurveda for health, Vedic architecture, and Gandharva Veda music. Through his commentaries on the Bhagavad-Gita and other Vedic texts, Maharishi restored the fundamental truths and practical wisdom of these great works of knowledge.
He elucidated the scientific nature of texts such as the Ramayana and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, relating them to fundamental principles of the natural sciences. He revived the simplicity, purity, and original effectiveness of the practices described in the Yoga Sutras, from which he developed the TM-Sidhi® program. Maharishi founded hundreds of teaching centers and Consciousness-BasedSM schools, colleges, and universities around the world.
Through the second half of the 20th century, Maharishi inspired a scientific quest for enlightenment. Over 800 research studies on the TM technique have been published and demonstrate its far-reaching benefits—better health and longer life, greater intelligence and creativity, more fulfilling relationships and work success, reduced societal stress, and creation of peace. Maharishi and the scientific research he encouraged has made meditation a household word in the 21st century.
Over 800 research studies on the TM technique have demonstrated its far-reaching benefits
Maharishi welcomed scientists everywhere to study the TM technique and its advanced programs, including the TM-Sidhi program, in order to bring meditation and the development of consciousness into the field of objectively verifiable knowledge. Many of these studies reveal the neurophysiological correlates of a fourth major state of consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness, and point to the existence of a fifth state of consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, in which pure awareness becomes a permanent feature of daily life.
As Maharishi traveled the globe lecturing on the Transcendental Meditation program and training thousands of teachers, he also met with many of the greatest minds of his generation. Many practiced the TM technique and others wanted to discuss his theory of consciousness with him during symposia.
Maharishi explored molecular chemistry with Nobel Laureate Melvin Calvin; environmental design with R. Buckminster Fuller; quantum mechanics with Nobel Laureate Dr. Brian Josephson; thermodynamics with Nobel Laureate Dr. Ilya Prigogine; the effect of meditation on stress with renowned researcher Dr. Hans Selye; subatomic physics with renowned physicist Dr. E.C.G. Sudarshan; and on goes the list of leading thinkers who were in frequent attendance at Maharishi’s talks.
As more and more scientific research validated the TM technique’s holistic benefits, particularly studies showing that 1 percent of a population practicing the TM technique can create a measurable positive effect throughout society, Maharishi proclaimed the dawn of an “Age of Enlightenment” in 1975—the beginning of a new golden era for life on Earth.
With the discovery that the square root of 1 percent of a population practicing the advanced TM-Sidhi program together in a group creates an even more powerful coherence-creating effect, Maharishi spent the final years of his life laying the groundwork for establishing large “peace-creating” groups on every continent, to ensure a peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous future for humankind.
A good time for the world is coming.
Now, a few people in any country will be able to change the destiny of their nation for all good. One percent of the population will be sufficient to design the direction of time for all happiness, progress, and fulfillment everywhere.
I see the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment. In this scientific age, it is no longer necessary for any nation to continue living with problems. This is the time of the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment. I am only giving expression to the phenomenon that is taking place.
One percent of the people in any country can herald the dawn of a new age for the whole nation by devoting only fifteen minutes of their time twice a day. With such a little demand for such a great offer it is not conceivable that the world will go any longer in the footsteps of suffering. It is in the hands of a few individuals in every country today to change the direction of time and guide the destiny of their nation for all harmony, happiness, and progress.
It is my joy to invite everyone to come in the light of the knowledge and experience … and enjoy participating in this global awakening to herald the Age of Enlightenment.
—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi