Research has shown that when we practice the TM technique, our brainwaves become more coherent, as shown on EEG (electroencephalogram) recordings of brain activity during meditation.

During TM practice our brainwaves become more coherent and integrated
This means that the different areas of the brain are working together in synchrony. Such brain integration creates more orderly functioning for both the mind and body.
As a result, TM practitioners have a powerful foundation for learning and greater creativity. Scientific studies have found that TM practice improves basic skills, reduces dropout rates, and increases graduation rates. Attention, intelligence, creativity, and learning improve in all age groups, including the elderly.
TM activates our “higher brain”
How does our practice of the simple, effortless TM technique accomplish all this?
The prefrontal cortex or “higher brain” is what separates us from the primitive species of animals. It exerts what is called “executive control” over the primitive brain, which is responsible for basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion as well as survival and instinct. The higher brain is in charge of more complex functions like language, memory, judgment, attention, planning, moral reasoning, problem-solving, and impulse control. But in the presence of stress—whether from physiological, psychological, or environmental sources—the prefrontal cortex tends to shut down, and the primitive brain takes over.
During the TM technique, the mind transcends and the body enters a deep state of rest. In this unique state of restful alertness—unlike waking or sleeping—our nervous system is able to dissolve deep-rooted stresses and restore greater coherence in the brain. If the prefrontal cortex has gone “offline” due to stress, transcending reactivates our higher brain.
Restoring optimal brain function
The optimal brain image, below left, shows all areas of the brain involved in thinking and making decisions, including the prefrontal cortex. When our brain is coherent and functioning in an integrated way, our decisions, speech, and action reflect that orderliness.

The brain functioning optimally (left) or under stress (right)
But when we are stressed, we see “functional holes” in the brain, as in the image on the right. These are areas of the brain that are not actively involved in thinking and decision-making. But as blood flow returns throughout brain, activity is restored in any functional holes and they disappear.
With regular TM practice and the dissolution of deep-rooted stresses, the prefrontal cortex not only returns to normal but also becomes even more active in higher brain functions.
Benefits of brainwave coherence
With more coherent brain functioning, everything we cherish about our minds improves. These include our ability to:
• Pay attention • Be empathetic and creative • Remember clearly • Problem-solve • Plan ahead
• Learn and process information • Make decisions • Perceive the world with greater richness

Correlates of EEG coherence. The p-value is the probability that the observed relationship occurred by chance; the smaller the p-value, the stronger the association. Reference: Orme-Johnson DW, Haynes CT. EEG phase coherence, pure consciousness, creativity and TM-Sidhi experiences. International Journal of Neuroscience. 1981;13:211-7.
As we meditate regularly over months and years, the coherent, integrated brain functioning experienced during our TM practice begins to extend into our daily activity.
As a result, TM practitioners score higher on IQ and tests of creativity and problem-solving. They have better focus and comprehension, faster reaction time, and increased self-actualization. Students’ grades improve, even within a semester.
The long-range benefit of increased brainwave coherence is the natural, spontaneous development of higher states of consciousness.
Read “How Transcending Optimizes Your Brain”
Brain Integration: The Secret to Success
Frederick Travis, Ph.D., is the co-author of World-Class Brain: The Edge That Helps Peak Performers Succeed, and How You Can Develop It.
How Brain Integration Creates Greater Well-being
In this 3-part video, Dr. Travis shows how EEG measurements reveal changes in brain functioning which occur during TM practice.
How Teens Can Sculpt a Happier, More Resilient Brain for Themselves
Real-world advice to help kids thrive, from neuropsychologist William Stixrud and noted test-prep expert Ned Johnson.
Transcending and the Brain
Maharishi explains how the unique experience of transcending enlivens the whole brain, empowering our intelligence.