Schedule of Upcoming TM-Sidhi Courses

The advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi ProgramSM is a simple, natural, effortless program designed to accelerate our growth to higher states of consciousness. It helps us enhance the expansion of creativity, learning ability, physical health, psychological well-being, and other benefits we gain from the Transcendental Meditation technique.

The TM-Sidhi program helps enhance the benefits we gain from the TM technique (see references)

TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought out this powerful advanced program to accelerate the expansion of consciousness we enjoy with our twice-daily TM practice. Here’s how he explains it:

If we have practiced the TM-Sidhi program, then the conscious mind will always start thinking from that deepest level of the self-referral state of intelligence. And any thought that emerges consciously from there has the support of all the laws of nature. And any thought with the full support of natural law will always be fulfilled quickly, without loss of time, without struggle and strife. —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

How does the TM-Sidhi program work?

During our TM practice, the mind settles down effortlessly to a state of deep inner silence—pure consciousness, the infinite source of creativity and intelligence within.

During the TM-Sidhi program, we learn how to enliven that inner silence—to think and act from that level of pure consciousness so that all our thoughts and actions are even more powerful, joyful, and life-supporting.

The TM-Sidhi program is a powerful tool that allows me to dive deep within to enjoy a field of unbounded awareness, unfolding more of my true self. Nothing compares to the freedom and bubbling bliss that arises from the program. I’ve enjoyed more creativity, happiness, and fulfillment of desires in my daily life since learning more than 15 years ago. I wish everyone could enjoy this precious experience. —Jenoa Navarrete, product development manager, Phoenix, Arizona

What are the benefits of the TM-Sidhi program?

With the TM-Sidhi program, we learn to function from the deepest, most profound level of the mind—the field of Pure Consciousness—resulting in thoughts and actions that are more powerful and effective. Practice of the TM-Sidhi program creates greater brainwave coherence, which is correlated with higher levels of creativity, intelligence, and inner happiness. Ultimately, this leads to the development of our full potential—the experience of higher states of consciousness.

Numerous scientific studies on the TM-Sidhi program confirm a wide range of benefits, even more pronounced than with TM practice alone, including:

  • Improved neurophysiological functioning (broadband EEG coherence)
  • Improved cognitive and perceptual abilities
  • Better mental and physical health
  • Increased vitality and longevity

Students who took the TM-Sidhi course significantly increased in alpha EEG coherence over four months compared to a matched control group. Brainwave coherence is correlated with higher levels of creativity, intelligence, and inner happiness. Reference. Longitudinal effects of the TM-Sidhi program on EEG phase coherence. Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program: Collected Papers, vol. 3, pp. 1678–86.

The most powerful aspect of the TM-Sidhi program

The TM-Sidhi program enlivens specific channels of mind-body coordination from the deepest level of consciousness. The most powerful aspect of this program is Yogic Flying®, during which brainwave synchrony is maximized and the body is found lifting up and moving forward.

During Yogic Flying the experience is often one of “bubbling bliss,” resulting in the enlivenment of inner pure consciousness. The juxtaposition of this inner silence with outer dynamism provides a powerful means of stabilizing higher states of consciousness—enlightenment.

After I practice the Yogic Flying technique I feel exhilarated, I feel lighter, I feel rested, and the main thing is, I feel flowing happiness. It’s amazing to be able to feel this good each day in such a natural, effortless way. —Debbie Brill, businesswoman, New York, New York

Helping create a more peaceful world

A large World Peace Assembly in Washington, D.C.

There are now 23 published scientific studies that confirm that when the square root of 1 percent of a population is practicing the TM-Sidhi program together, a powerful influence of coherence and harmony radiates through society at large.

These coherence-creating groups have been shown to lower crime rates and prevent social conflict, contributing to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

The research has confirmed that coherence-creating groups can:

  • Decrease crime and other negative social trends
  • Reduce violence, terrorism, and war
  • Defuse ethnic, religious, and political tensions
  • Increase international cooperation
  • Promote world peace

Learning the TM-Sidhi program not only accelerates your own personal growth but also helps create a more peaceful world—especially when one practices as part of a large coherence-creating group.

Find a TM-Sidhi course near you

What people say about the TM-Sidhi program

Here are a couple of comments from people who’ve added the TM-Sidhi program to their daily TM practice:

The bliss of my TM-Sidhi practice is unlike any bliss I experience during my regular TM practice. The TM-Sidhis have provided me with an extra boost of lively bliss that stays with me even in activity. —Linda James, math teacher, Madison, Wisconsin

The TM-Sidhi program makes the experience of inner silence feel more rock solid in my life. As a busy mother, I feel such relief to have this extended time to let the whirlwind of daily life dissolve into a wonderfully restful state, which then enlivens subtle aspects of myself. The TM-Sidhi program softly and powerfully allows bliss to dominate where there might have been fatigue or agitation before. When life gets hectic outside, I really feel more deeply anchored within.
—Sankari Wegman, Ph.D., health practitioner, Fairfield, Iowa

How to learn the TM-Sidhi program

Taking the TM-Sidhi course requires a solid foundation in TM practice and its Advanced Techniques:

  1. Regular, twice-daily practice of the TM technique
  2. Completion of four Advanced Techniques of the TM program, with a minimum of two months (four months preferred) of regular practice after learning the fourth Advanced Technique
  3. Participation in at least one in-residence TM Retreat within one year prior to application

The TM-Sidhi course is offered once or twice each year at various TM Centers around the country. Find this year’s schedule

The TM-Sidhi course is taken in two parts:

  1. In-Center portion consists of 12 two-hour sessions at a host TM Center. Contact your local TM Center regarding course dates.
  2. Two-week in-residence portion at Maharishi International University (MIU) in Fairfield, Iowa, where you complete the TM-Sidhi program and learn Yogic Flying.

Contact your local TM Center about this year’s TM-Sidhi schedule and course fees.

World Peace Assemblies

Large groups practice the TM-Sidhi program together each day in the Golden Domes in Fairfield, Iowa

A World Peace Assembly (WPA) is an in-person weekend or one-week TM Retreat designed specifically for those practicing the TM-Sidhi program.

A WPA provides you with deep rest and rejuvenation, group practice of your TM and TM-Sidhi program, plus inspiring knowledge about the development of consciousness. By practicing the TM-Sidhi program in a group, you’re also helping create a positive influence for society and the world.

Find a TM Retreat or World Peace Assembly near you 

TM-Sidhi Refresher Course

The TM-Sidhi Refresher Course is a one-day course available to those who have completed the TM-Sidhi program and who would like some refreshing of their practice. It includes a thorough review of the practice, a personal TM-Sidhi checking, and the opportunity to have your questions answered. It is taught at your local TM Center.

Find a TM-Sidhi Refresher course near you
Find a TM-Sidhi course near you

Cheryl Stone
Author: Cheryl Stone

Project Manager